Relax with Class


Passion. Experience. Diligence.


The Corporate Spa has been developed over the past 19 years. Its creative director, Roberta became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2001, just before she went off to college at Oklahoma City University pursuing a Bachelor of Performing Arts degree. Upon graduation, she had successfully created a well established clientele at chiropractors, gyms and fellow dance majors. During her 15 years performing professionally, the need for alternative medicine and self care grew to be a priority to many. In 2015, BrideSPA, llc was established to pamper and beautify brides and their esteemed guests.

As great work goes, word spreads and the bridal business began to receive several corporate inquiries. Thus leading to the birth of The Corporate Spa!

In addition to our event and consistent, company clients, The Corporate Spa is also the official spa of The Delany Hotel in SoDo Orlando. This state-of-the-art, boutique hotel (just across the street from Orlando Heath) offers in-room, digital concierges where you can book your treatments and a licensed specialist will arrive at our door to serve!

What’ll they think of next?? Hang on to your hats! You can be sure The Corporate Spa will be leading the pack!


Get in touch

We, at The Corporate Spa know that finding the right spa or professional beauty experience for your clients is a choice not to be taken lightly. That is why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

Book a consultation ▸


Booking is Simple…

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Call us! 407-242-9977

We find, sometimes its best to just pick up the phone! Call us now and we can get started on arranging your services! Or, send us an email!